I really should not invoke the unholy power of evil bacteria and foul Irish weather. It's been pretty cold here this week, with showers on and off, and I am still sick. The doctor at Student Health Services has told me that if I am not better by Tuesday, she will refer me to the Ear, Eye, and Throat Hospital for examination. Since that sounds expensive, I've been trying to stay home, keep warm, and take my meds, or at least as much as it is possible in the first week of classes. And I wonder why I am still sick.
This has been good for my knitting, though. The socks are finished.
These are the Chrysanthemum Frutescens socks by Hunter Hammersen, from her book Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet. Considering I accidentally knit these at a tighter gauge than called for, they came out really well. I love the bright color (Foilage, Knitpicks Stroll Tonal), although now it is discontinued. I found the picot edge a little fiddly, as it's the kind where you have to knit the current live stitches to the stitches held in the provisional cast-on. Nevertheless, it's a very nice picot edge that lies flat against the leg, so the effort is worth it.
As the weather is being particularly unhelpful, I've cast on a sweater. Currently it looks like this:
It's the Falling stars sweater that Knitpicks originally put out two years ago as a kit. At the time, they only offered blue and grey versions, and since I love color, I choose the blue. Now they have a purple and a green/natural version, which you can get as kits here. The sweater uses elements from the Bohus style of colorwork, which uses fine gauge and purl bumps. I love it. The colors change every couple of rows, which keeps things interesting, but the motifs aren't that complicated so you can do it at 5AM while trying to get back to sleep because you are tired and sick. Not that I would know anything about that. *cough, cough*
This sweater will be for the Knitabulls Sweater KAL for January and February. I love the Knitabulls podcast and try to watch it every week. I want to adopt the host Diane for my aunt; she is always so happy in her shows and enthusiastic about her various crafts. She's always a beam of sunshine in my week.
As I'm housebound for the rest of the weekend, I'm starting to assemble a fort of yarn and books. The sweater should be enough to hold me out on the yarn end, and I have plenty of books to read. In addition to my reading for my normal classes, I've started doing the background reading for my thesis. My book fort looks something like this:
I'm excited. This is going to be fun.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Saturday, January 19, 2013
A Comedy of Errors
I have finally returned to Ireland and have somewhat adjusted to the time difference. Apparently my brain took its vacation early, though, as I said in the last post that I would have WIPS and neglected to include them. The brain vacation didn't stop there, either. Take this shawl, for example.

It's Winterchild by Carmen Oliveras which I'm making in Zitron Fil Royal, a 100% alpaca laceweight. I finished the body months ago and am now working on the knitted on border. It's my first time doing this technique and I find it somewhat fiddly. I seem to be making the join too tight and I'm worried this is going to block out wonky. Maybe I'm also irritated at myself that this thing has been on the needles for over a year and it's not finished yet. You want to know what's really getting my goat, though? That tiny ball in the bowl is all the yarn I have for this shawl; I forgot the other skein back in the States. Grr! And I love alpaca!
Round Two came with this skein of Cascade 220 Superwash.
I had planned to make it into The Proverbial Cap by Meg Swansen for ages. I planned on it being my sister-in-law's present for Christmas. The pattern is pretty and it's got lots of twisted stitches that make my heart sing. The problem? I forgot the pattern. It's back in the US, too.
Round Three came with my Chrysanthemum frutescens socks.
I had noticed since the beginning that everything was coming out tight. I thought that it was the pattern since I've been getting 8 stitches to the inch on US0/2mm since I started knitting socks with this yarn (Knitpicks Stroll Tonal, Foliage colorway, by the way). I plowed ahead, still slightly concerned that everything looked tight. I started the gusset decreases during my long layover in Washington, DC airport and tried the sock on for fit. It became very obvious the sock was very tight, although I was knitting the large size of this pattern, which is for a 9.5 inch foot. I pulled out my tape measure and checked the gauge. It turns out that my gauge has tightened up and I now knit nine stitches to the inch. I had to add two extra stitches to the foot to make sure it would fit. They are very lovely socks, but from now on, I'm doing a gauge swatch! I hope to finish the socks this weekend partly because the weather is currently like this:
And partly because I am sick. I was fighting a throat bug over the holidays and it came back as a vicious throat and ear infection earlier this week. Since I've done all of my homework reading for classes, I can knit and start some reading for my thesis. Should I finish the socks, I have all this to play with:
Knitting, first crochet project, and spindle spinning. Bring it on, foul Irish weather and evil bacteria!
It's Winterchild by Carmen Oliveras which I'm making in Zitron Fil Royal, a 100% alpaca laceweight. I finished the body months ago and am now working on the knitted on border. It's my first time doing this technique and I find it somewhat fiddly. I seem to be making the join too tight and I'm worried this is going to block out wonky. Maybe I'm also irritated at myself that this thing has been on the needles for over a year and it's not finished yet. You want to know what's really getting my goat, though? That tiny ball in the bowl is all the yarn I have for this shawl; I forgot the other skein back in the States. Grr! And I love alpaca!
Round Two came with this skein of Cascade 220 Superwash.
I had planned to make it into The Proverbial Cap by Meg Swansen for ages. I planned on it being my sister-in-law's present for Christmas. The pattern is pretty and it's got lots of twisted stitches that make my heart sing. The problem? I forgot the pattern. It's back in the US, too.
Round Three came with my Chrysanthemum frutescens socks.
I had noticed since the beginning that everything was coming out tight. I thought that it was the pattern since I've been getting 8 stitches to the inch on US0/2mm since I started knitting socks with this yarn (Knitpicks Stroll Tonal, Foliage colorway, by the way). I plowed ahead, still slightly concerned that everything looked tight. I started the gusset decreases during my long layover in Washington, DC airport and tried the sock on for fit. It became very obvious the sock was very tight, although I was knitting the large size of this pattern, which is for a 9.5 inch foot. I pulled out my tape measure and checked the gauge. It turns out that my gauge has tightened up and I now knit nine stitches to the inch. I had to add two extra stitches to the foot to make sure it would fit. They are very lovely socks, but from now on, I'm doing a gauge swatch! I hope to finish the socks this weekend partly because the weather is currently like this:
Overcast with sides of cold and damp. |
Knitting, first crochet project, and spindle spinning. Bring it on, foul Irish weather and evil bacteria!
Friday, January 11, 2013
Plans, plans, WIPs
So my plan is to turn this. . .
. . . into knits in the next eight months.
One of my New Year's resolutions for 2013 is to make more wool socks for me. I'm mostly motivated by my cycling in Ireland. That moist cold really sinks into your bones and sticks around. While I'm pretty well covered for sweaters and okay for hats, I really need some warm footwear. For the last year, I've been an inactive member of Sock Knitters Anonymous. This is a group on Ravelry with monthly challenges in the in three categories of theme, dedicated designers, and the mystery sock. I plan on getting on the sock bandwagon and trying to complete a challenge a month. I've got several socks lined up. First is Hunter Hammerson's Chrysanthemum frutescens in Knitpicks Stroll, colorway Foilage.
I'm doing the theme challenge for January, "Flora and Fauna." It's orange because, eh, why not? It's winter and I need bright colors like nobody's business. I'm also taking all this back with me for socks as well.
Also on the Sock To-do List For Me: Wendy Johnson's Norwegian Rose, Rose Hiver's Fireweeds, Cookie A's Twisted Flower . . . And probably a few more.
I'm also taking back a few sweater quantities for me. I'm loving stranded colorwork at the moment, so I dug out my Falling Stars kit from Knitpicks in blues. I might do the hat, but we'll see how it goes.
I need more bright colors, so I'm taking my Valley Yarns Longmeadow (colorway Coral) for Lizette. This pattern came out in the Spring 2011 Twist Collective and received a lot of press when the Yarn Harlot blogged about knitting it. Longmeadow is the recommended yarn and it feels soft and a bit slick. I'm definitely using the wooden needles on that one.
In the new year, I also plan on learning how to crochet with some Debbie Bliss Ecobaby for a Calm Cowl. I'm also taking my spindle and fiber along to revive my spinning.
This is the gift pile. It is rather large, but it's not every present I'll make in the next twelve months. Generally I try to get my Christmas presents done by the end of September. Since my family can see this blog, I will not mention what these are going to become, but let's say hats, socks, and scarves are on the table.
The break has been productive, knitting-wise. I finished scarf for my mom with her Quivit Luxury Blend from Windy Valley Muskox and a Fernfrost scarf in Hedgehog fibres Pure Cashmere Lace in Sour Cherry. I also completed a Cable Baby Hat in Knitpicks Stroll for the baby.
It was great to play with luxury fibers. My mom says that her scarf is very lightweight, but very warm, so I can't wait to play with her 100% quivit yarn sometime in the future. The Hedgehog Fibres cashmere was fun to work with. It's so soft and beautiful to look at, and when it was still a WIP, it was the Universal Stress Ball the week before Christmas. (It was highly successful.) As a finished object, just looking at it makes me feel better. When I soaked it, it didn't run at all and it blocked out beautifully. I have a few more skeins of her yarns, and I will be very sad when I run out. This is when I wish I still had a job.
Well, tomorrow I fly back home, so it's time to cram the last of the yarn and fiber into the suitcase. Thanks, US, it's been great, but I have a date with Ulysses.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Life gets in the way
Oh my goodness, it's past Christmas! It's past New Year's! My apologies for neglecting the blog. My Master's program really heated up in November. I had to work harder and then we had exams starting at the beginning of December. We also had our first long essay due and I had to try and remember how I used to do analysis. Working on that essay caused me to question if I wanted to write my thesis on what I was planning or if I want to change it. It was a mental tornado. Now I am home and it's past the holidays. I am grateful for the opportunity to see my family, especially after the death in the family and the birth of another family member. We also have another animal member in the family.
His name is Jojo. At the end of August he showed up on our back doorstep skinny as a rail. We live near a highway, so we think someone dumped him and he found his way to our neighborhood. He was mostly an outdoor cat until a coyote attacked him; now, he spends most of the day sleeping in the house and goes out at night. He's a very sweet cat and enjoys being petted. He even allows the dog to jump all over him when she's playing. I'm surprised how much I like him since I'm allergic to cats. So far, I haven't had too major a reaction - just some sneezing and slightly itchy eyes. He seems to have charmed everyone, though.
Despite all the work, I had time to finish off the Christmas knits.
Simple gloves for older bro. |
Irish Hiking Hat for younger bro |
For the new baby: Sunnyside cardigan |
For Grandma: Eleanor cowl |
The last was a last minute gift. I was in the middle of writing my essay when I realized I hadn't made a present for my Grandma. I decided that it was necessary for my her to have a knit gift. I couldn't get the yarn the pattern called for, so I subbed a fingering weight yarn and added an extra lace repeat while using the needle sizes called for in the pattern. I probably didn't need that extra repeat and wouldn't use it again. Also, another knitter suggested that you could put beads on the smaller diamonds in the pattern. Just an idea.
I also got some knitting for me. I finished off my mittens just before we got a cold snap in my part of Ireland. Since I cycle everywhere, these mittens were a welcome addition to my winter wardrobe.
Hedda Knits' La Joie du Printemps |
The yarn I used was Hedgehog Fibres Cashmere Lace in the colorway Sour Cherry. I was impressed because the red dye did not run at all. I love Hedgehog's colors and can't wait to spin some of her roving that I have. The scarf blocked out wide (12 inches or 30cm) but only 50 inches, or 125 cm. If I made this pattern again, I would make it longer, perhaps using 200-300 yards more than what the pattern called for.
I got to play with more luxury fibers when I reminded Mom that she had some yarn hiding in the closet. Three years ago, my Mom came with me to my first Stitches, a major fiber retail show that occurs in four regions of the US. Every year, a company called Windy Valley Muskox vends and they sell qiviut and qiviut blend yarns. Qiviut is the down fiber of the muskox that is shed naturally every summer. It is light and very warm . . . and rather expensive. My Mom likes the good stuff, so she purchased a skein of Qiviut Luxury Blend, a 45/45/10 qiviut/merino/silk blend, and a skein of Pure Qiviut. I knitted up the Qiviut Luxury Blend in the Little Shells Scarf pattern my Mom got at the same time. The result was this:
And some detail:
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